We all know in a relationship not everything is butterflies and sunshine, there will be times when you are going to be annoyed by your partner or you are going to disagree on something, however, there are some behaviors that are often labeled as “normal” or “part of a relationship” which I find quite upsetting because it shouldn’t be consider normal at all. You have the right to get out of a relationship if it makes you more miserable than happy. Here are the things you shouldn’t never tolerate in a relationship, doesn’t matter how much you think you love that person: 1. Insults/Mocking/Calling names: There will be times when you are going to be mad at your partner, most of the time it will be about silly things like disagreeing about where to go eat or they misplacing something that is yours, and usually after a while you just let it go but if your partner seems to get extremely irritable about the little things even to the point that they yell at you and insult you...