We all know in a
relationship not everything is butterflies and sunshine, there will
be times when you are going to be annoyed by your partner or you are
going to disagree on something, however, there are some behaviors
that are often labeled as “normal” or “part of a relationship”
which I find quite upsetting because it shouldn’t be consider
normal at all. You have the right to get out of a relationship if it
makes you more miserable than happy. Here are the things you
shouldn’t never tolerate in a relationship, doesn’t matter how
much you think you love that person:
Insults/Mocking/Calling names: There will be times when you are going
to be mad at your partner, most of the time it will be about silly
things like disagreeing about where to go eat or they misplacing
something that is yours, and usually after a while you just let it go
but if your partner seems to get extremely irritable about the little
things even to the point that they yell at you and insult you or call
you names to humiliate you, this is not normal and it can escalated
into something worse like actual physical abuse. Also, a person who
does that definitely doesn’t respect you.
2. Disagreements
about important things: Disagreements are normal and they are going
to come, doesn’t matter how similar you two are, you are going to
disagree in something someday, usually these disagreements doesn’t
affect the relationship because they are about things that you can
make compromises but when the disagreements are about topics that are
consider deal breakers for example; religion, politics, marriage and
children, it can be quite difficult to keep the relationship stable
because it will be hard to get to a happy medium. An example would be
that you want to get married and your partner doesn’t, this
usually doesn’t end well because no matter how much you try, you
just can’t change someone’s else mind.
3. Ignoring your
calls/texts: Sometimes we are busy, sometimes we forget to return
calls or texts for a couple of hours or we are either busy or don't feel to talk in that moment, but if this become a
pattern or it changes suddenly, then there might a problem. Lets say,
your partner used to text you everyday and all of the sudden, they
started doing it every other day and then once a week, this is not
good at all, doesn’t matter what excuse they give. If we call or
text them and they can’t reply at the moment, its normal to take a
few hours but if they take a whole day or more to text back, this is
definitely something that you shouldn't tolerate and it might
indicate that this person is too busy but for you.
4. Extreme jealousy
– It is normal to feel a bit of jealousy at times especially when
your partner is talking to someone attractive from the opposite sex,
what is not normal its when this jealousy goes to the extreme, when
your partner causes scenes, insults you and controls you. If your
partner gets so jealous that they don’t want you to hang out with
friends or talk to them, this is controlling behavior and it means
they don’t trust you at all.
5. Controlling
behavior - The last thing an introvert needs, its someone who wants to control your life, if your partner was to be in controlled of everything
that happens in the relationship and always want to have the final
word, this is very dangerous. The controlling behavior might start
with small things like getting mad when you don’t answer the phone,
wanting to know at all times what you are doing and who you are with,
then they will want to control how you dress, who is your friend,
where do you go and more. This is the description of an abusive
relationship and no one deserves to go through that.
7. Physical abuse –
You should never ever tolerate physical abuse, it doesn’t matter if
it was just once and they claim it will never happen. Once your
partner puts a hand on you, its time to run and never look back.
8. Cheating –
Exactly like physical abuse, once it happens, it will keep happening.
People don’t simply change, and the old phrase, is quite true,
“once cheater, always a cheater”.
9. Lies – They
might start giving “white little lies”, you know, small things
like lying about where they were the night before but keep in mind
that these lies will keep escalating into something worse, to the
point, when you wouldn’t be able to trust that person anymore.
10. Blaming – If
your partner blames you for everything all the time even things that
are actually their fault, this person is not worth it and definitely
doesn’t care about you. In a healthy relationship, there is no
blaming, and disagreement and resolved by talking, if someone is
guilty, they apologize for it.
11. Not caring for
your needs – We all have needs. We have the need to loved, to be
respected, to be heard. As introverts, we also have the need for alone time and its important that your partner understand that and don't judge you for it. This also includes sexual needs. In a healthy
relationship both the woman and the man need to satisfied. If your
partner doesn’t satisfy you, you need talk to them and let them
know what you want, men and women don’t usually like the same thing
during sex, that's why communication and trust are so important.
doesn’t have to be hard, sometimes people say they are but its
because they are with the wrong person, when you are in a
relationship where there is trust, communication and you both are on
the same page, everything flows naturally and the disagreements won’t
even matter because the goods things are more by far. Do you want to
know how is a good a relationship? Its one when you feel happy and
relaxed most of the time, its one where your partner its your best
friend, your number one supporter and your confident. Its one when
doing things for your partner doesn’t seem like a chore but as a
prove of love, if your relationship doesn’t sound like this, then
its probably not worth it and you deserve something better.
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