Physical attraction might be the reason most relationships started. Being attracted to someone can be an amazing and powerful feeling which can often be confuse with love. But, its being attracted to someone the only reason to be in relationship? Or should be the most important? My answer is no. It shouldn't be neither the most important reason neither the only one. I am going to explain you why.
When you meet someone, physical attraction is the first thing you feel about someone, but if you don't feel a deep connection with that person, then whats the point? If you don't have anything in common with that person or like their personality, why would be the point in being with a pretty face or a hot body? That's sexual attraction not love and that's not what you want in a relationship. Physical attraction fades with time, and you have to keep in mind that your partner might look hot now but they might wont in 20, 30 or 40 years. So what? Are you going to break up with them because they get fat, bald or old? No reason why so many marriages ended up in divorce, that's because they never connected and the only thing keeping them together was the sex, after that sexual attraction faded, there was nothing else.
I am going to tell you a story. When I met my boyfriend the first time, I wasn't attracted to him, I didn't think he was ugly, he just wasn't my type, after that first date, I was sure I wasn't going to go out with him ever again, I was more interested in dating a Japanese guy who was actually hot and had been asking me out for weeks.
Even thought I was attracted to the Japanese guy, I couldn't feel connection with him, he was an extrovert who loves to party and get drunk with friends, I knew It wouldn't work. I kept dating the guy I wasn't attracted to but which I actually feel connected, I could talk to him about anything and had lots of fun with him. Something deep inside me started growing for this guy, and after a couple of dates, I was confused if I like him as a man or just a friend, the only way to finding out was a kiss, so I did, I kissed him and that's when I knew I really like him as more than a friend. Almost 3 years after that, we are still together and very happy and this has been my longest and happiest relationship ever.
So my point here is, If I could learn to give more importance to connection than to physical appearance, I believe you can do too, that doesnt mean that you are going to get in a relationship with someone you dont like at all, its just mean that you should give a chance to people that maybe are not your type, maybe you dont like short guys but maybe the love of your live its going to be short, maybe you dont like curvy girls but maybe thats how your love life will look. Take the time to get to know people and connect with them, if you want people to love you for who you are and not for how you look, then you should do the same. When you learn this, I can guarantee that you will find love.
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