1. Don't text them every hour. We all need our own space so if they are not texting you back, leave that person alone and wait for them to reach you. If you keep texting them and asking "Are you okay? Why are you not texting back?" You are going to look like a psycho for them and trust me thats a big red flag.
2. Don't talk about your problems. We all have our own problems and situations so when are on a date with just want to have a great time; if you keep bringing how life has treat you so unfairly no one is going to see you as fun.
3. Don't do personal favors: If they only reach to you to ask you for money or to ask you to take them to run errands, its probably they are just using you and not really interested in you. Its okay to give them a ride to the date because they cant drive or their car is damaged but not to drive them everywhere they want, you are not their personal driver or a bank.
4. (Similar to No.3 ) Don't ask them to pay you: This is mostly for women but it can also apply to men. I know our cultures has seen as "normal" for the man to always pay the dates but I dont recommend this, seeing how many people especially women take advantage to this to use men, I would advice all women to pay for their own stuff, also its better for us because in that way we are not going to make them think that we owe them something ( like sex )
5. (Talking about sex ) Don't have sex before being in a relationship: I know this is hard especially if you are very attracted to the person but if you want them to see you as a potencial partner and not just someone to have fun for a while, you need to make sex wait until you both agree to be in a exclusive relationship, this doesnt have to take long, maybe a couple of weeks if you both feel is right. Also for men, please never pressure a woman to have sex with you, we take care of ourselves a lot and if we dont trust you, we are not going to have sex with you.
6. Don't rush things: The most important thing about dating is to the get to know the others person, how they think what they like, what are their passions and dreams, what makes them laugh, so take time for that and dont try to be serious until you are both comfortable with each other.
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