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7 Things Introverts Need In A Relationship


Introverts and extroverts usually have different expectations of what they want in a relationship therefore many introverts wonder if its okay to date an extrovert and the answer is: Yes, it is okay and you can have a long healthy relationship with an extrovert, but only if these 7 things are present in the relationship:

1. Mutual interests:  This doesn’t mean that you have to agree on everything but there has to be a couple of things that you both enjoy doing together for example, watching a certain TV show or a certain genre of movies, playing a sport or maybe cooking. There are studies that confirm that couples who do things together have a higher chance of staying together.

2. Independence: It is important that your partner is independent and is perfectly capable of doings things without you because that means that you would be able to have your alone time. The less thing an introvert needs is a clingy partner who wont leave them alone one minute.

3. Understanding:  Besides being independent they have to be understanding of your personality and sadly this is something very few extroverts get. Most of the time introversion is being confused with shyness, social anxiety or even anti-social behavior. This is why it is important that if your partner is an extrovert they understand what introversion is, otherwise, they are going to start a fight next time you don't want to go with them to a social event, and we all know how much introverts hate confrontation.

4. Intelligence: Your partner doesn’t have to be a genius but they have to be smart enough to be able to hold meaningful conversations. Introverts crave conversations about deep stuff and who better to have these conversations with than with your partner?

5. Trust:  If you can’t trust the person you are dating, then why are you with them? Introverts take time to open up and they don’t do it with everyone so they have to really trust someone in order to be completely open with that person. Introverts need a partner who is also their confident, someone they can trust their darkest secrets.

6. Sense of humor: Many extroverts believe that introverts don’t have a good sense of humor, that we are serious and stuck up which is not true at all, introvert usually have a witty, dark and sarcastic sense of humor and we need someone who gets our humor and doesn’t judge us for it. This doesn't mean that they have to laugh at the same things that you do, my partner prefers silly simple comedies while I only enjoy humor if its witty and sarcastic, at first it was hard for him to get my humor but he finally did and we always have a blast and laugh about many things together.

7. Respect:  Possibly one of the most important if not the most. Your partner needs to respect you in every way, respect your needs, desires and your decisions. You need someone who will treat you with respect in every situation, even during disagreements because having disagreements it is normal for any couple but disrespect is not okay and it shouldn’t be seen as normal. Insults, yelling or worse physical abuse shouldn’t never be tolerate in a relationship.

Now that you know which are the 7 things you need in a relationship its just a matter of time to meet the person who is right for you.


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