Sometimes the reason
a person is single is because their expectations are way too high, it
is okay to be somewhat selective when you are looking for the right
partner but if you have a long list of qualities that person should
have and you don’t seem to find any person “worthy” of you, it
is possible that your expectations are not only too high but also
unreal. Find it out if that is your case with this quiz. Write down
your answers.
1. What couple do you look to for relationship goals?
A) My best friend's
B) My parents
C) The ones in the movies
2. Where would be
the first date?
A) At a coffee shop
B) The movies
C) A nice romantic
3. How do you
expect your date to look?
A) I don’t care
how they look if they are nice
B) Attractive
enough, maybe a 7 or 8
C) Very hot! A 9 or a 10
4. Would you kiss
your date on the first date?
A) If there is
chemistry, sure.
B) Absolutely! Thats
how I know if I want a second date.
C) Not at all, I
would like to wait until we are exclusive.
5. How much would
you wait to become exclusive with someone?
A) It depends but I
guess a couple of weeks is enough.
B) A couple of months
C) On our first date if possible
6. How much would
you wait to get intimate with your partner?
A) A couple of days
B) I would wait a
couple of weeks
C) No sex until we
are married
7. How often would
you expect to see your partner?
A) 1-2 times a week
B) 3-4 times a week
C) Everyday
8. Do you expect to
spend every weekend with your partner?
A) I would like to
but it is not necessary
B) No, I actually
would like to spend some weekends with my friends
C) Absolutely! What
else would I do?
9. Its your
birthday, what do you expect your partner to do?
A) I expect to spend
the day with them at least
B) I would expect
them to give me a present and maybe go out somewhere
C) A lot of
presents and a surprise party. I want to be spoiled on my birthday!
10. How much time
would you wait to marry your partner?
A) 2-3 years
B) 4 years or more
C) 6 months- 1 year
Check your answers:
Majority of A:
Your expectations
are real. You know what you want of a partner but you are also
realistic and you are not waiting to date Mr. or Mrs. Perfect.
Majority of B:
Your expectations
can be unreal sometimes. Everyone wants a good partner, however
sometimes you might expect too much from this person and forget that
we are all humans, and humans have flaws.
Majority of C:
Your expectation are
way too unreal. You probably have a check list of things the person
who wins your heart got to have or they can head the highway and this
is probably the reason why you are single. You are not perfect and if
you want others to accept your flaws, you have to accept others flaws
as well, as long as those flaws are not a threat to the relationship.
Photo: Pinterest
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